
Derma Aid: The skincare app for GPs and healthcare workers
Developed by Nurithm Labs, the app addresses the problems of access and accuracy in clinical diagnosis for dermatological disorders/diseases, including skin cancers and oral cancers Dr. Ambika Dixit, Dr. Somesh Gupta (AIIMS), Vikas Chouhan, Dr. Jyoti Mathur, Lavina Rajput (AIIMS Scientist), Merwin Rodrigues, Sharad Kumar Pratik Ghosh Skin tech has...
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MedPrime’s digital microscopes set to bring about sweeping changes in pathology services
Co-founders Samrat, Greeshma Unnikrishnan, Mahesh Kumar Rathor, and Binil Jacob The startup’s Cilika product line, integrated with tablet or smartphone, can capture, record, share, and transmit images and videos to make diagnostics more accessible Pratik Ghosh When MedPrime Technologies, a healthtech startup, recently raised seed capital with Social Alpha leading...
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Ecowrap has emerged as a one stop solution for waste segregation, collection, tracking, recycling, and up-cycling
By incentivising the housekeeping staff of hotels, restaurants and cafes, the Jaipur-based startup builds a financially viable business model to address the challenge of waste segregation The startup plans to enlist 350 bulk waste generators as clients in the next 6 months and provide a stable income opportunity to at...
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Clean Energy start-up Devidayal Solar’s refrigerators are powering women’s economic empowerment
The startup’s off-grid cooling solutions are aimed at women entrepreneurs running dairies, fruit-pulp processing units, and small retail outlets By Pratik Ghosh Members of Maitree Mahila Dairy and Agriculture Produce Company are happy at the way DD Solar refrigerators helped them cut down on electricity bills and milk spoilage “You...
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Independence Day 2021 | Social Alpha
Freedom@75: A Startup Revolution
By Manoj Kumar Entrepreneurism has become critical to modern India’s identity and self-image. But an enabling ecosystem for startups trying to solve socio-economic and environmental challenges is still in the works. At the stroke of the midnight hour on August 15, 1947, the challenges confronting the new nation were too...
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India’s Waste Tech start-ups are driving sweeping change
By Madhushree BN and Poorvaja Arun Kumar While the environmental and health impacts of improper waste management is easily understood, the cost of the efforts to manage the increasing volumes of waste effectively is on the lower rung of the priority ladder. Despite allocating 20-25% of a municipality’s budget (for...
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5 breakthrough technologies in the fight against climate change
From sequestering carbon to developing fast-charging, long-lasting EV batteries, the next wave of innovations may hold the key to saving the planet By Ganesh Kaveeshwar As several countries make concerted efforts to achieve emission cuts and restrict the global average temperature rise to 1.5C from pre-industrial levels, new technologies would...
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Tech Innovations and Waste Pickers can save our planet from the garbage menace
An estimated 1.5 million to 4 million waste pickers collect, clean, sort and segregate our recyclable waste every day in India. Their work fills the gap left by municipal and other waste management authorities while contributing to local economies, public health, and environmental sustainability. Most waste pickers across India work...
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Krishi Mangal: A Game-Changer for Agriculture and Allied Value-Chain
Indian agriculture today stands at a crossroad. On one hand, it suffers from less-than-optimal productivity, low income for smallholder farmers, lack of irrigation facilities, unsustainable agricultural practices and vagaries induced by climate change; and on the other, it has opportunities to tap into its tremendous growth potential by embracing innovations...
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‘We have barely scratched the surface…We have a lot more to do.’
I hope you and your family are taking care and keeping safe. COVID-19 outbreak has wreaked havoc across the world. With a raging second wave in India and ramifications poised to surpass any catastrophe in our living memory, we believe our collective and coordinated efforts will change the course of...
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