146.8 million hectares, around 30% of the soil in India is degraded. Of this, 29% is lost to the sea, 61% is relocated, and 10% settles in reservoirs.

India uses 89% of its freshwater for agriculture, yet only 49% of the cropped area is irrigated, leaving the rest vulnerable to erratic monsoon rains.

With agricultural labour projected to drop to 25.7% by 2050, boosting India’s 40-45% mechanisation rate can raise productivity by 30% and cut costs by 20%.


Agriculture, the world’s oldest and most vital sector, remains the backbone of livelihoods for 58% of the global population. In India, where agriculture dominates the economy and supports over half the population, the sector still relies heavily on traditional practices. Despite being the second-largest producer of agricultural products, India’s agricultural contribution to the GDP is just 17-18%. The sector lags due to many reasons, such as inadequate technological infrastructure, lack of financial support, and deficiency in digital knowledge and awareness of the latest developments in the sector. All these challenges are compounded by one central issue: the fragmented nature of landholdings in India. 86.2% of the country’s farmers are classified as small and marginal. These farmers collectively own 47.3% of the total operated land, yet their average farm size is just 2 acres.

Techtonic: Innovations for Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods aims to curate innovative technologies that positively impact smallholder farmers. The program is scouting for innovators and entrepreneurs with transformative technologies that address a curated set of challenges faced by farmers.

Focus Areas

Program Offerings

Pilot Deployments - Sandbox facilities to test, validate, and pilot the innovation, including on-ground feedback from the community, grassroots organisations, agriculture experts, and corporate and government bodies along with non-dilutive pilot funding from Social Alpha of upto INR 50 lakhs.
Market Access Opportunities - Access to more than 200,000 farmers and 150 FPO networks through a large network of implementing partners in different states such as Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, etc. along with access to non-dilutive deployment funding from Social Alpha of upto INR 2 crores.
Mentorship and Workshops - Assistance of dedicated agri-business experts with business planning, developing go-to-market strategies, overall business advisory and mentorship, and capacity-building sessions.
Incubation Support - Access to lab infrastructure and product development support via Social Alpha Labs, including assistance with design, rapid prototyping, and manufacturing.
Financial Support – Opportunity to access seed investment from Social Alpha and its syndicate subject to Social Alpha’s due diligence.

Winning Cohort

Strategic Partners

Outreach Partners